Symbol GCIL (Ghorahi Cement Industry Limited)
Fiscal Year 079-080
Announcement Detail Ghorahi Cement Industry Limited has extended its 3,97,190.00 units of Premium IPO shares to the industry affected residents of Dhang District, Ghorahi Sub-Municipality, Ward No. 01, 02, 03, 04, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, Bangalachuli VDC Ward No. 03, 04 and Rolpa District Tribeni VDC Ward No. 03, 04 till Jestha 17, 2080
Announcement Date 2023/05/16 AD (2080/02/02 BS)
Tags Notice    IPO    Project Affected    Extend   
Bookclose Date
% Cash Dividend
% Bonus Share
Right Share Ratio
Date 2023/05/02 AD (2080/01/19 BS)