Symbol GICL (Global IME Capital Limited)
Fiscal Year 079-080
Announcement Detail Global IME Capital Limited has proclaimed its SGM going to be held on Ashad 03, 2080
Announcement Date 2023/06/01 AD (2080/02/18 BS)
Tags SGM   
Agenda Merger with B.O.K. Capital Market Limited, Appointment of DDA Valuators, Due Diligence Audit Report (DDAR), Final Scheme of Arrangement, Share Swap Ratio (100:53.17), Amendment on Articles/Memorandum and Miscellaneous.
Bookclose Date
% Cash Dividend
% Bonus Share
Right Share Ratio
Date 2023/06/18 AD (2080/03/03 BS)
Venue Company's Registered Office, Naxal, Kathmandu
Time 09:00 AM